If you’ve got a cruise booked this summer, learn how to minimise the risk of seasickness with these top tips from Kwells.

There’s something inherently captivating about the idea of embarking on a cruise adventure, where endless horizons meet luxury accommodation and exciting destinations.

And as we all know, cruises are as much about enjoying the journey as the stop-off destinations.

However, for some travellers, the mere thought of setting sail can sometimes bring about concerns of seasickness and the uncertainty that can bring.

Whether you’ve already booked your high seas adventure or you’re waiting to take the plunge, Kwells has some tips and advice to help you prepare before and after you set sail.

Preparation for smooth sailing

For most seafaring cruise passengers prone to seasickness, it tends to happen within the first 48 hours of being on onboard, so the chances are once you acclimatise and get your ‘sea legs’ you’ll feel much better.

Before you even step foot on the gangway, there are a few things you can do to minimise the risk of seasickness during your cruise. And if you do feel seasick once onboard, there’s some helpful tips to try.

How to avoid seasickness on a cruise:

  • Choose the right cabin: When booking try to opt for a midship cabin as this area typically experiences less motion.
  • Hydration: Taking sips of cold water or fizzy drinks such as cola or ginger ale can help to settle the stomach if you’re feeling nauseous. If you’re feeling clammy or have a headache, you could also try a cool flannel on your forehead.

Try Kwells to avoid seasickness

If self-help methods don’t appear to work for you and you’re concerned about seasickness ahead of your cruise, speak to your pharmacist about an over the counter travel sickness remedy.

Kwells contain an active ingredient called hyoscine hydrobromide – an effective medicine for motion sickness.

It works to temporarily reduce the effect of movement on the balance organs of the inner ear and the nerves responsible for nausea.

Because Kwells tablets melt in the mouth, absorption into the bloodstream is very rapid and they can be taken up to 20–30 minutes before travelling or at the onset of sickness.

For more information visit kwellstravel.com

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Kwells 300 microgram tablets. For the prevention of travel sickness, suitable for adults and children aged 10+. Contains Hyoscine Hydrobromide 300 microgram. Kwells Kids 150 microgram tablets. For the prevention of travel sickness, suitable for children aged 4+. Contains Hyoscine Hydrobromide 150 microgram. Always read the label.