Surely exfoliating your skin is only a good thing?
Just like most things in life, you can definitely have too much of a good thing. Over-exfoliating is the one skincare mistake almost all of us make. While we scrub and peel our faces in an attempt to keep our skin happy and healthy, too much of it is doing more harm than good. Here, the experts at ZO Skin Health have revealed the seven signs of over-exfoliation to watch out for.

Your face is too shiny
If your face shines like a disco ball, you need to give your skin a break. Light reflects off of over-exfoliated skin easily, because its natural texture has been overly smoothed. Further adding moisturiser to the mix will only make your face beam more.
Your breakouts are getting worse
Excessively exfoliating strips your skin of its natural moisture. This prompts your sebaceous glands to produce more oil to compensate for the loss of hydration. In addition, scrubbing too aggressively often can disrupt skin’s lipid (natural fats) barrier and hinders its ability to protect the under-layers from bacteria and free radicals, like smoke and dust.
Your skin feels like it was sunburned

Redness, itchiness, and puffiness are all inflammatory responses, signaling that your skin is in distress. The top layer of your epidermis acts as a shield against allergens, irritants and pollutants. When this natural exterior is compromised, your skin becomes susceptible to irritants and environmental damage.
Your skin feels like crepe paper

If you notice dry patches, flaky areas and fine lines, that’s a sure sign your skin doesn’t retain sufficient moisture. If you see that your skin is peeling, then you should never try to exfoliate it, as you will only make the situation worse.
Skin break outs

Moderate amounts of exfoliation is a great way to prevent pimples as it keeps the pores clear of debris. Excessive skin rubbing can actually weaken the skin so it can’t defend itself against any bacteria, meaning that debris brakes down and pimples form quicker.
Your skin feels tight

Sometimes skin can feel tight after washing, but when you have been over exfoliating, skin will feel perpetually strained. This can feel uncomfortable and cause cracked dry skin. The tightness feels like someone is standing behind you and pulling your face back.
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