Walking for just 10 minutes a day can have multiple benefits on your mind, body and spirit.
Nina Barough went on to start her own charity, Walk the Walk, to raise money for those living with breast cancer. Here, she talks about the life-changing magic of walking in her own life.

“I walked back to wellness”
In the hurly-burly of life, walking truly is the 21st century jewel in the crown of fitness and health. It can build overall fitness at any age, can be a great aid to prevent diseases, and can help maintain mental and physical well-being.
I think lots of people are quite surprised at just how much regular walking can contribute to the quality of their lives.
Aside from all the health benefits, it creates an oasis of space to meditate, solve problems, imagine dreams or just share with special people in your life.
The idea of walking a marathon in New York in a bra, to raise money for breast cancer, came to me in a dream more than 20 years ago.
However, the realisation of just how beneficial walking is only became apparent as I went through my own breast cancer treatment.
I felt I had lost control of my life as I knew it, so I grappled to find something to hold on to. What I ate and how I looked after my body became those anchors. I started walking in the belief that the combination of good food, along with being active would be my focus — and I have never looked back.
I went on to found my very own breast cancer charity Walk the Walk and we have now raised in excess of £131 million.
Over half a million women, men and children of all ages and abilities have taken on our challenges, including our iconic MoonWalks in London, Scotland and Iceland, often with a life-changing impact as they begin to feel the benefits of regular walking.
Once you find that “walking place” in your life, you will find it is addictive, and very much treasured.
You will look forward to getting out into the fresh air, no matter what. For more stories of inspiring women, have a look through our people pages. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @PlatinumMagUK for daily updates and beautiful photos.