World Earth Day is going digital for the first time in its history. The world’s largest civic event celebrates 50 years of climate action this year and welcomes you to join. We have all the information you need.
On April 22 1970, 20 million Americans — 10% of the US population at the time — took to streets, college campuses and hundreds of cities to protest for the environment. The Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts were created in response to that first Earth Day in 1970. It was a unified response to a world in crisis — oil spills and rivers so polluted they literally caught fire.

This year, the Earth Day group are broadcasting 24 hours of social media discussions, performances and video teach-ins to start global conversations about how we can continue to help people and the planet at this time.

Visit the Earth Day schedule to find events in your time zone. From film screenings and documentary discussions, to general education programmes and online activism tutorials, there’s many ways you can join.
Here are a few UK events.
Mantras 4 Climate Change in the Heart
For thousands of years, eastern mantra meditation has been a means for achieving inner peace, a clear mind and a connected heart. Stay inspired and positive at these challenging times by experiencing the power of positive sound vibrations. Heal, nourish and relax with live mantra music — a great opportunity to sing, clap and dance. Kirtan Scotland want to help uplift, energise and rejuvenate your body and soul during isolation. No previous experience necessary.
RSVP here for free.

Online Climate Action Summit: what can you do about global warming?
Interactive panel discussions with experts on no/low cost climate solutions for us all. Expert advice on planting trees, rewilding, carbon pricing, population and the impact of coronavirus will give you the tools you need to start living environmentally friendlier at home. Interactive discussions cover the role of local authorities and how you can start influencing change in your local areas, too.
RSVP here. Event runs from 4pm to 9pm UK time (GMT +1).

The “Great John Cage Project in Lockdown” podcast (Dundee)
How does earth sound now human activity has almost stopped? Is it silent or is nature becoming louder and clearer?
The “Great John Cage Project in Lockdown” podcast invites people from all over the world to submit audio recordings of their environment in isolation, proving that there’s no such thing as silence — even in lockdown. These will be an audio resource for historians in the future, as well as a unique representation of this unusual era of humanity.
RSVP here for free. Listen on Spotify.

Virtual Choral Contemplations — World Earth Day
The University of Glasgow Chapel Choir has taken its weekly twilight concert series online for the first time. Tune in for a classical and emotional programme that is inspired by the earth and nature.
RSVP here for free. Live at 6pm.
Tune into the Earth Day Live page on April 22 and flood the digital world with messages of hope, optimism and, above all — action.

No matter where you are, you can make a difference. And you’re not alone, because #TogetherWeCan save our planet.